NewsNet Archive on East View
The backfile of NewsNet and the ASEEES newsletter that preceded it, starting with the first issue published in 1961 through 2006, is now available in database format from East View Information Services by subscription to institutions and individuals. The database is fully searchable and all materials will appear in PDF format. All NewsNet issues starting with the August 2006 are also available on the Current Issues page and the NewsNet Archive page.
The Association’s newsletter is, in a way, a record of key developments in the fields of Slavic and East European Studies over the last 45+ years and the database should be of great interest to scholars interested in the historiography of our field. The retrospective will enable users to follow trends, explore the foundations of current knowledge and track changing priorities in the field as reflected in ASEEES annual conference agendas, papers, panels, and reports on research initiatives. Researchers may find evidence of the evolution of instructional programs, government grants, and the emphasis placed on particular topics of research.
For more information about the archive, please see: To sign up for a free trial, please go to: With any questions about the archive, please e-mail East View Information Services,