ASEEES Accepting Book Prize Nominations

Publishing Date: 
Monday, February 5, 2024

ASEEES is now accepting nominations to its annual book prizes, which will be presented during the 2024 ASEEES Convention.

•  The publication date inside the book must be 2023
•  The book must be a monograph, preferably by a single author, or by no more than two authors
•  The book must be originally published in English
•  Textbooks, collections, translations (including self-translations/authorial translations), bibliographies, and reference works are ineligible
•  Self-published works are ineligible

For detailed eligibility requirements for each book prize, please see


Fill out and submit the nomination form found on each ASEEES book prize page. 

Note: books may only be nominated for up to two prizes.

Send one copy of eligible monograph to each Committee member. Where possible, email a pdf version of the monograph to The nomination form must be submitted by no later than April 15. And books must be received by no later than May 15. (Books not received by the deadline may not be considered.) Email ASEEES at with questions about the process.

Please click on the links below for more information about each prize, the nomination forms, and the book format preferred by each prize committee member:

Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize

USC Book Prize in Literary and Cultural Studies

Reginald Zelnik Book Prize in History

Davis Center Book Prize in Political and Social Studies

Marshall D. Shulman Book Prize

Ed A Hewett Book Prize

Barbara Jelavich Book Prize

Kulczycki Book Prize in Polish Studies

W. Bruce Lincoln Book Prize

Omeljan Pritsak Book Prize